Over the years N&I became specialised in the design, development and implementation of large scale projects in the Agricultural, Forest and Nature sector.
In the early days (1995-2010) these projects were built around FSC certification, both for forests and Chain Of Custody companies. N&I was also the founder of FSC the Netherlands. These projects were funded by organisations like WWF, Doen, ICCO and IUCN. We also carried out large projects for the Dutch CBI (part of RVO, Dutch government). These projects were aiming at capacity building with exporters in developing countries (so called CBI-Export Coaching Projects)(2002-2015). In later stages (2008-2013) we were also focusing on Carbon certification projects (VCS/CCBS/CDM). This was mostly with investors.
In 2016 N&I changed its slogan into: Project development for Agri, Forest and Nature.
Currently N&I is mainly developing EU Life and Horizon2020 projects under the Climate Change calls and doing the administration for such projects. We are also working for private companies doing certification preparation work.
All N&I services are available as separate services or in one package where a project is designed (consortium formed), written & submitted. Ask for details and offers for each option.